Alpine School to hold tricky tray
SPARTA-Alpine Elementary School will host a tricky tray featuring some 200 trays and a 50/50 raffle, 6 p.m., Friday, Feb. 25. Admission is free as well as the homemade desserts and appetizers, coffee and tea. Soda and water will be sold. The year's specials include a Toshiba Notebook Computer, Apple iPod, electric razor scooter, two portable DVD players, three-night vacation accommodations in Paris, Yankees, Medieval Times, Knicks, and Nets tickets, and Broadway tickets and dinner, Nintendo DS, $200 video scrapbook, porch rocker, $200 tax return service, and mall gift certificates, All trays are valued at $50 or more. Monies received goes toward improving the school, which continues to help students, said Tammy Lyons, parent teacher organization vice president. For information, call 729-3107.