Rave reviews

Sparta /
| 27 Sep 2019 | 01:04

“Knowing what a fine establishment Mohawk House is, I just can’t wait to see Modern Farmer open its doors and to have another destination restaurant here in town.” - Sparta Mayor Molly Whilesmith

“I have no doubt this endeavor will be another success; a success for them, but more importantly, as they would say, a success for Sparta.” - Sparta Police Chief Neil Spidaletto

“I’m excited for Steve and Rachael to see this dream come true. But I’m more excited for the community and to see all the good they’re going to do here.” - Freeholder and former Sparta mayor Joshua Hertzberg

“It’s so rare to see a business that comes into town looking to do for the town versus asking what the town can do for them. But Steve and Rachael- everything they do is tied back to the community.” -Sparta Councilwoman Christine Quinn.

“My grandmother was raised here and my great-grandfather was involved with the Farm & Horse Show at its origins," Milliken said. "At one time, they kept 3,000 chickens and would send the eggs by train into New York City, and they also kept dairy and beef cattle. The land where the restaurant will be used to be the cattle pastures.” -Debbie Milliken, attended the groundbreaking with her father, Brian Sandford Lockwood.

“It’s great for the county to have new eateries, and for the Scros to bring more jobs,” John Drake of the Sussex County Economic Development Partnership.