Leaders must face new reality
Not a single school year passes in parochial schools where the administration does not scrutinize the budget, tighten the purse strings, and strengthen the basic curriculum. With fewer funds, and at every socio-economic level, parochial schools perform at or above their public school counterparts. Throughout our country, public schools are suddenly thrust into circumstances that have historically plagued parochial schools. My husband and I are products of 12 years of parochial school education. This training prepared us well for our university studies and life in general. Our three daughters have attended parochial schools since kindergarten. I am proud to live in a country that uses my tax dollar to provide public education for all, regardless of economic need. I am humbly grateful to have the choice and means to provide another path for my children. This past year we’ve read numerous Sparta Independence articles on the economic woes faced by Sparta’s public schools, and how our school board is dealing with this situation. I respectfully disagree with Dr. Thomas Morton’s assessment of the message sent by this last election. Sophisticated Sparta residents, as Dr. Morton calls us, clearly understand a new economy the world now faces. Rather than speaking to the “misinformation” in this year’s a “low key” campaign, Dr. Morton should explain why the school system in an affluent community such as Sparta ranks 78th in New Jersey. Our current per pupil educational budget would be the delight of any private school, as well as many other school districts in New Jersey. We need leaders willing to change old business-as-usual approaches to address 21st century challenges. Rose Robayo Sparta