Fascism in the guise of liberalism
(Editor's note: the following is in response to an Oct. 18th letter from J.P. Curtis; www.spartaindependent.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20171018/OPINION03/171019957/What-our-children-and-grandchildren-might-inherit)
I want to thank J. P. Curtis for so eloquently reinforcing the points I made in my piece “Beware Antifa.”
I am a proud and totally unapologetic conservative. I am neither a boogeyman (corrected spelling) nor a white supremacist. My record includes rendering pre-hospital emergency medical care to well over 40,000 sick or injured people over 57 years of volunteer and career EMS service. My efforts with my teams saved many lives regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, etc. and is testimony to my dedication to humanity – we all bleed red. My experience includes a five-year tour of duty in Newark and fifteen years in multiethnic urban communities.
As a student of history and government since American Legion Boy’s State in 1959, through college and graduate schools, the NJSP and FBI Academies, local and county elected office- holding and a cross-trained public safety career that is on-going albeit slowed, I can give the history lessons. Yes. I was also a college professor.
VP Wallace got too close to the late and post-WWII Communists. He was rejected by the Democratic Party to run again with FDR. He recanted his Communist views post-Korea.
Fox News has the highest ratings for cable news networks and surpasses much of the mainstream media in credibility. Have you heard “Uranium One” on the mainstream news? Are you aware of the cartel it reveals? There are two elements of J. P.’s “Troika.”
I am glad J. P., albeit for a different reason, labeled “Antifa” “Sturmabtielung,” the Storm Troopers who enforced Hitler’s rise to power as a dictator. There can be no denying they are the radical left of liberalism. Their tactics against conservative speakers on university campuses, UC Berkeley for example, prior to tactics against the Unite the Right in Charlottesville are criminal in nature. They are not “peaceful” protestors as required by the Constitution. Even the ACLU took the side of the Unite the Right in Charlottesville. Without Antifa, the Unite the Right will wither on the vine.
Soon to be President Ronald Reagan once said on ’60 Minutes’: “If Fascism ever comes to America, it will come in the name of Liberalism.”
“Beware Antifa,” they are anarchists supported by Communists, Socialists, billionaire George Soros and the liberal left.
Factual, objective and unabashed.
Eskil S. Danielson, MA