
Sparta /
| 16 Oct 2023 | 08:25

    No political hyperbole on immigration,

    No right or left extremism evisceration.

    The Lady proclaims, “Give me your tired, your poor,

    your huddled masses yearning to breathe free” evermore.

    Our nation has a realistic immigrant problem,

    But no need to demonize the foreign downtrodden.

    Asylum seekers flee tyrants to save their families,

    And the disadvantaged to escape morbid maladies.

    So many cruel hazards to overcome to “breathe free”

    For the so many poor souls seeking liberty.

    Need Congress to compromise on compassionate reform

    And aid Third World countries to humanly transform.

    To assist maligned “sh..hole countries” in aiding their poor,

    Our national conscience pleads that we do more.

    Bill Kibildis
