Art on display

| 15 Feb 2012 | 09:28

Show offers taste of local artists' work Lafayette - It was a warm and welcoming atmosphere, despite the rain last Friday at the Sussex County Arts Society's 45th annual art show at Olde Lafayette Village. Local artists beamed with excitement as their work was showcased for visitors to see. Jessica Crucy of Branchville says she has been “doodling and drawing for as long as I can remember.” She says she is inspired by animals. “They are so fluid and expressive.” Many of her works feature her dogs as well as other animals. Olivia Newel of Stanhope came by to browse through the different styles of art on display, and to see the work of her friend, Pat Partridge, another Stanhope resident. Partridge has been drawing and painting for the past 10 years. She is especially fond of painting outdoors. Branchville photographer Niela Parrish, who has been taking photos since 1993, says she always thought her art would never be more than a hobby. But when a friend encouraged her to enter the photo contest at the Sussex County Fair with photos she had taken while traveling in Europe, she found out her work had a wide appreciation. Her photographic subjects include dairy cattle, animals, scenery, flowers, the Amish. Parrish says that she has “loved taking pictures, even before I knew she was good at it.” Her work has been featured twice on the cover of "Hoard’s Dairymen" — a magazine for dairy farmers — and she's won quite a few ribbons at the Sussex County Farm and Horse Show. The Sussex County Arts Society is growing and expanding, says Marie Zoeller, the organization's president and an artist herself. With nearly 85 members, the 66-year-old organization is an active group. New members are always welcome. Meetings are held the second Thursday of each month at noon at the Hampton Township Senior Building. A variety of workshops and demonstrations are also given each month.