Festival of Trees seeks decorators
SPARTA-This year's Fesitval of Trees, sponsored by the Junior Woman's Club of Sparta, will be held Nov. 18 and 19 at the Lake Mohawk Golf Club. Decorators and sponsors are needed for both the four- and six-foot trees. For information call 973-300-7309. The club has chosen to share a portion of the proceeds of this year's festival with two charitable organizations, Cherished Creations and the Sussex County chapter of the American Red Cross Disaster Relief Fund. Cherished Creastions is a non-profit organization whose mission is to create better lives for seriously ill children and the underprivileged. The Red Cross was chosen to help meet the needs of the victims of Hurricane Katrina. The hurricane has required the largest mobilization of resources for a single natural disaster in the history of the organization. For more information on the Sussex Country Red Cross chapter, go online to sussexredcross.org.