Golf outing to benefit Vernon schools
VERNON-The Vernon Education Foundation (VEF), a non-profit organization established to raise funds for Vernon schools, will hold its first annual “Golf Outing, Dinner and Art Auction” Oct. 21 at Crystal Springs Country Club in Hardyston. The public is invited to attend all events. The VEF was founded last year by a group of concerned parents, teachers, and school administrators. Its mission is to foster, promote and enhance traditional and innovative approaches for excellence in education in the Vernon public schools and to encourage community-wide interest and involvement in, and support of, the schools. Trustees meet monthly to conduct business and plan school and community events. The Oct. 21 golf and art auction fundraiser will begin with a round of golf at 12:30 p.m. at the Wild Turkey Golf Club, with chances to lower your scores with fun games. Golf registration begins at 10:30 a.m. Included with golf is a cart and boxed lunch. After the golf outing, dinner will begin at 6:30 p.m. at the Crystal Springs Country Club Emerald Ballroom. During dinner there will be time to view the works of art exhibited around the ballroom. The art auction will follow the dinner. The foundation is seeking fine art donations from artists or private collectors and galleries. Artwork should be submitted by Oct. 17 to the board office on Route 515 in Vernon. The foundation can also arrange for pickup. Cost for golf, dinner and auction is $100 per person; $30 for the dinner and auction alone. Reservations can be made by sending checks, payable to the Vernon Education Foundation, to P.O. Box 412, Vernon, NJ 07462. For information, call 973-764-2900, ext. 8040.