Highlands Act is topic of forum at Sussex Community College
NEWTON - The Highlands Act will be the next topic of Sussex County Community College’s National Issues Forum, beginning at 9:30 a.m. on Saturday, Nov. 12, in the college theatre. Titled, “The Highlands Act: Is it the Solution for Sussex County?” the program will feature a distinguished panel that will provide three views on the recent legislation. Enacted in 2004, the Highlands Water Protection and Planning Act, sought to ensure safe drinking water for over five million state residents. The region covered consists of 88 municipalities and 1,250 square miles of N.J., including the eastern portion of Sussex County. The Act has a profound effect on economic development and farming activities and, therefore, can have a dramatic impact on Sussex County. Michele Byers, executive director of the N.J. Conservation Foundation will address the first view to be presented at the forum, namely that the Highlands legislation will preserve the environment now for present and future generations if it is strictly construed. Tammie Horsfield, president of the Sussex County Chamber of Commerce and Economic Development Partnership will cover the second view, arguing that the Highlands Act hurts the citizens of Sussex County. Adam Zellner, executive director of the N.J. Highlands Council, will cover the third approach. Zellner will maintain that the principles behind the legislation are built on good logic, but that implementation may need modification. A lively discussion will follow the presentations, moderated by Dr. Stacie Golin, a Sussex Community College faculty member. Admission is free and the community is welcome to attend. The National Issues Forums provide information on timely topics of importance to all Sussex and Pike County residents. For information, call 973-300-2116.