History and tea on the menu
| 30 Sep 2011 | 09:45
Hamburg Afternoon tea will take on a historic flavor at the Merry Go Round’s calico Cafe on June 26, when the program “What they Wore” will be on the menu. It’s all about fashion during the Civil War. Trisha Furman-Leve of The Living History Alliance will present an hour-long program on the attire of women, children and men during the time of Civil War. Afterward a tea sampler will be servied, which includes tea, scones, tea sandwiches and desserts. Advance tickets are recommended due to limited seating. Tickets can be purchased at The Merry Go Round on Route 23 in Hamburg or through The Living History Alliance at livinghistoryalliance@yahoo.com. Tickets cost $20. For more information call 973-841-0941.