Scouts can earn merit badges with Weis Ecology Center programs

| 15 Feb 2012 | 09:05

    Ringwood — Weis Ecology Center is hosting merit badge Sundays starting in September. With some pre-work, scouts can complete each merit badge in one afternoon. The programs fill quickly so early registration is encouraged. There is a limit of 15 participants for each session. Cost is $12 for Weis members, $18 for nonmembers. Here is a list of the programs offered. Geology Sunday, Sept. 4, 1 to 5 p.m. Study the materials that make up the earth and the processes that change it over time. In this program scouts will use the surrounding geology to earn their merit badge. Bird Study Sunday, Sept. 18, 1 to 5 p.m. Birds are some of the most intriguing and beautiful animals that inhabit New Jersey. It is no wonder that bird watching is the quickest growing hobby in the state, or that most discoveries are made by amateur naturalists. Discover the birds of the Highlands and earn your merit badge all in one afternoon. Mammal Study Sunday, Oct. 9, 1 to 5 p.m. Mammals are on the move at Weis. They are some of the most popular animals in the world, yet still some of the most secretive. So, we are out to find them through observations, tracks, traces, and other activities. For more information or to register, contact the Weis Ecology Center office at 973-835-2160 between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m., Wednesday through Sunday. Visit online at The Weis Ecology Center is one of nine staffed centers operated by the New Jersey Audubon Society. Specializing in full-day and residential environmental education programs for schools, scouts and other youth and adult groups, Weis is also recognized for its popular public programs for adults, kids and families. The Weis Visitors Center, houses their turtle, snakes, seasonal exhibits and an NJAS Nature Store featuring field guides, bird feeders and accessories, kid stuff, regional trail maps and more.