Sunflower photos win prizes

Wantage Photographer Gale Miko, whose photos are a regular feature of this newspaper, took first place in the professional category at the Sussex County Sunshine Sunflower Photo Contest 2011. The contest had two divisions: online and print. Photos were on view at Brodheckers Farm, located at 2 Branchville-Lawson Road, Newton. First-place winners took home a 25-pound bag of black oil sunflower seeds grown on the farm, Brodhecker Farm-raised frozen chicken, organic honey body cream and a jar of honey. The contest brings awareness to sunflowers and the many products the farm produces from them. The print entries can be viewed at the farm until December, when they will be displayed at schools, hospitals and nursing homes in the area. The online entries can be viewed at Nancy Hreha's company, Dandelion Creative, worked with Naturally Sussex to promote the contest and online site. Judges were Ginnie Littell, Bruce Tomlinson, Sean O"Brien, Lori Anzalone, Rob Moorehead, Kristi Becker and Hugh Broder. Online winners: Amateur: G. Shammas, "Flos Salis Bee" Professional: D. Gioeobe, "Field of Dreams" Digitally altered: E. Bortnick, "Looking Back" Print winners: Digitally altered: D. Brunovsky, "Day is Gone Gone the Sun" Amateur: J. Campbell, "Coming in for a Landing" Professional: Gale Miko, "Field of Gold" Champion: C. Williver, "Good Afternoon Sunshine"