Teen reading rewarded this summer at the Sussex County libraries
Sussex Summer reading program for teens entering the seventh through 12th grade begins Monday, June 27 at all Sussex County Library branches. Teens can register on-line from home or at the libraries, and track their reading through on-line logs. All teens meeting the minimum requirement of 100 pages a week for five weeks will be invited to their local branch to receive a small prize and choose a free book. All teens who post book reviews to their on-line logs will be automatically entered into a raffle to win one of four prizes. Two Pandigital E-readers and two Vivitar Camcorders will be awarded by random, electronic lottery to teens who’ve posted reviews to their logs. Every review equals one entry so more reviews equals more chances to win. Teens can also participate by volunteering at their local branch to work with younger children in the Summer Reading program. Visit www.sussexcountylibrary.org, for more details.