Upcoming library programs
Jazz with Carol Erickson Great music returns to the Sparta Library on Thursday, Oct. 6 at 7 p.m. Jazz vocalist Carol Erickson brings her smooth voice and keyboard to the library for an evening of 20th Century jazz!. Register at www.spartalibrary.com. Raptors return to Sparta Library “Close Encounters with Birds of Prey” returns to the Sparta Library (Lower Level) on Sunday, Oct. 9 at 2 p.m. Visit with real, live birds of prey from the Delaware Valley Raptor Center and learn about their lives. Educational and fun for everyone. For more info call 973-729-3101. Register at www.spartalibrary.com. A hauntingly good time Internationally known paranormal investigator Al Rauger will present findings of his exploration into the world of hauntings and presents recorded voices of the spirits of the Lizzie Borden House which may shed new light on this infamous case of murder. This program is on Thursday, Oct. 20 at 7 p.m. sharp in the lower level of the library. Register at www.spartalibrary.com.