Governor appoints 2 to SCCC board
NEWTON. James Santonastaso and Matthew Cable are named trustees of Sussex County Community College.

James Santonastaso and Matthew Cable have been appointed by Gov. Phil Murphy, D-N.J., to serve on the Sussex County Community College (SCCC) board of trustees.
Santonastaso, 27, of Wantage attended the college after graduating from Kittatinny Regional High School.
After graduating from SCCC with an associate’s degree, he graduated with major in political science and minor in international relations from Rutgers’ Newark campus in 2019.
Santonastaso credits the community college with preparing him for more higher education as well as giving him the skills needed to succeed.
“I plan to give back to the institution that helped mold me into the person I am today,” he said. “The college is an overlooked gem that this community is lucky to have. It deserves the same respect and support that it has provided for students, faculty and staff over the years. I plan to be intimately involved in the college’s much needed and deserved renaissance.”
Growing up in Hampton Township, Cable, 34, of Fredon attended Blair Academy before graduating from Goucher College in 2015 with a degree in history. He then began to focus on software development, taking math courses as a non-matriculating student at the County College of Morris.
As a result of his time at CCM, Cable became a strong supporter of public education for non-traditional students, and he believes SCCC has potential to become a hub for people seeking to gain new skills in science and technology.
“I have been very lucky to receive both a solid humanities education, and then, later, to gain the skills needed to work in a STEM field,” he said. “I believe that opportunities to do both should be available to all students regardless of income level. By serving on this board, we have an opportunity to move our local college towards that goal.”
Paul Crowley’s term on the SCCC board has expired. His spot will be filled by the Sussex County Board of County Commissioners.
Members of SCCC’s board do not receive pay or a stipend.