A reception 40 years after the wedding

HACKETTSTOWN Suzanne Cubberly, Centenary College’s Bursar and a resident of Byram Township, is finally having the wedding reception that she planned 40 years later. On Aug. 27, Cubberly and her husband, John, will be renewing their vows with Centenary College’s Vice President of Student Engagement, the Reverend David L. Jones, officiating at the George H. Whitney College located at Centenary. That will be followed by a reception at a local restaurant in Andover. She anticipates that this reception will be a stress-free affair a far cry from what she experienced 40 years ago. In 1971, there was a hurricane the day before her wedding, which caused a dam to break. The result? A lot of people could not get to the church, and those who did got there late, including the bride, and no one could travel to the reception hall. The Cubberlys’ reception had to be held at her parents’ house, so food and beverages had to be purchased and set up at the home at the very last minute. “We were able to get the wedding cake transported to my parents’ house, so we do have some nice pictures cutting the cake,” says Cubberly. “Otherwise, we would not have even had that.” It was essential not to reschedule the wedding as a result of their difficulties, because John only had a weekend pass from the military for the purpose of being wed. The marriage license would expire after that weekend, they had plans to relocate to Langley, Va., the very next day and Cubberly had already quit her job. Cubberly’s brother-in-law was a member of the band that was supposed to sing at their reception 40 years ago. Now he will perform Aug. 27. As a result of all of the stress of the day, Cubberly and her husband do not remember what their wedding song was supposed to be. They decided, this time, to dance to “What is Love?” which was the most popular wedding song in 1971. “Suzanne has been a member of the Centenary staff for 22 years,” says Reverend Jones. “I am so pleased that she will be holding this very important ceremony here.”