Rotary offers fellowship for study
SPARTA Rotary Clubs in the area are seeking candidates for a post-graduate fellowship to study abroad in the area of peace and conflict resolution. The Rotary International World Peace Fellowship, which culminates in a master’s degree, is now available for the academic years 2012-2014 at one of six universities in England, Japan, Sweden, Australia, Thailand or Argentina. Applicants should have a baccalaureate degree and the training and background to gain admission to a graduate program at one of the Rotary Center University partners. The applicant should also have a minimum of three years work experience in a related field at the time of application, as well as proficiency in more than one language. They should possess excellent leadership skills and a demonstrated commitment to peace and international understanding. The Fellowship is competitive and the funding covers tuition and fees, a standard room and board stipend, transportation, contingency expenses, and an applied field experience. The duration of the program is two years. Applicants for these programs must live, work or have attended college within the boundaries of Rotary District 7470 (Essex, Morris, Warren and Sussex Counties), and must meet the qualifications set forth by the Rotary Foundation. More information and applications are available at the Rotary website, Applications may be downloaded, and must be received by August 1, 2011. Candidate interviews will be scheduled afterward. For further information, contact John Wilson at 980-277-3424 or at To learn more about Rotary in your community, visit Elks hold open house Sparta The Sparta Antlers and Elks recently held an open house at the Elks Lodge on the Boardwalk at Lake Mohawk. Elroy the Elk was on hand with his drug awareness trailer, handing out flyers, Frisbees, and pins to promote drug awareness. The event was intended to make people aware of the work that the Antlers and Elks do in and around the community. The Antlers are the youth group associated with the Elks. The Antlers group is open to youths from ages 13 to 20. For more information 973-445-5292 or