Sparta Kiwanis awards $17,700 scholarships to 14 local students.

SPARTA The Sparta Kiwanis Club recently held their 30th Annual Scholarship Dinner at the Lafayette House in Olde Lafayette Village. The club awarded 14 scholarships to deserving graduates of Sparta, Sussex Tech, and Pope John XXIII High Schools. This year the scholarships amounted to $17,700. Since 1982 the Sparta Kiwanis Club has awarded more than $327,000 in scholarships to seniors who have actively served their school and community, had a strong academic record, and displayed outstanding leadership and character. The scholarships represent memorials to these notable former Sparta civic leaders and Kiwanians: George Dykstra, Randy Shope, Armen Koochagian, Steven Kepler, Richard Cassels, Augustus Rampone, William Eppler, and Joseph Matt. This year recipients are: Gabriella Kalepetis, Sussex Tech Nicole Fishstein, Pope John Xxiii H.S. Kathleen Cooney, Pope John Xxiii H.S. Nicole Hart, Sparta High School Casey Cresbaugh, Sparta High School Erica Roberts, Sparta High School Allison Fletcher, Sparta High School Erika Veidis, Sparta High School Virginia Bosio, Pope John Xxiii H.S. Rachael Zeberl, Sussex Tech Krista Shugart, Sparta High School Anna Plavnicky, Sussex Tech Jeff Earl, Sparta High School Agustina Bosio, Sussex Tech Sparta Kiwanis Club sponsors Key Clubs at the three high schools in Sparta Township as well as the Builders Club at the middle school. The primary mission of Kiwanis International and the Sparta Kiwanis Club is service to children. Scholarship Committee chairman Jim Peters said, “The support the club receives from the community is critical and much appreciated as it allows the club to continue the scholarship program along with the many other local service projects the members are involved in.” For information visit www.SpartaKiwanisorg.