American Medicine Chest Challenge

| 15 Feb 2012 | 10:07

    In the wake of the Centers for Disease Controls and Prevention (CDC) calling the abuse of prescription pain relievers an epidemic, a historic and lifesaving event — The American Medicine Chest Challenge (AMCC) — a public health initiative to raise awareness about the dangers of prescription drug abuse will be held, Nov. 12, in communities throughout the United States. AMCC challenges residents to take the 5-Step Challenge, by first taking inventory of their prescription and over-the-counter medicine, securing their medicine chest, safely disposing of the unused, unwanted, and expired medicine at an American Medicine Chest Challenge Disposal site or in their home, take their medicine(s) exactly as prescribed, and most importantly, talking to their children about the dangers of prescription drug abuse. "This community based public health campaign will raise awareness about the dangers of abusing prescription drugs and reduce the availability of potent drugs that lead kids down a path to addiction,'' explained AMCC Chief Executive Officer Angelo M. Valente. “With the AMCC we are calling on residents to see their medicine cabinets through new eyes — as an access point for potential misuse and abuse of over-the-counter and prescription medicine by young people.” According to the CDC the death toll from overdoses of prescription painkillers has more than tripled in the past decade and more than 40 people die every day from overdoses involving narcotic pain relievers. Valente explained, the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy reports 70 percent of people who abuse prescription pain relievers obtained them from friends or relatives, and, there has been a 400% increase in substance abuse treatment admissions for people abusing prescription drugs. “The AMCC is in concert with the CDC’s recently released guidelines and recommendations for the prevention of prescription drug abuse,” said Valente. AMCC is a not-for-profit community based public health initiative, with over 500 community and law enforcement partnerships in 46 states, designed to raise awareness about the dangers of prescription drug abuse and provide a nationwide day of disposal — at a collection site or in the home — of unused, unwanted, and expired medicine. AMCC is supported by PhRMA, The American College of Emergency Physicians, Generic Pharmaceutical Association, the Partnership at, and Catalent Pharma Solutions.