Author defends ‘Enola' poem

| 28 Sep 2011 | 02:52

    To the Editor, Please allow me to respond to the letters of Aug. 18. The poem "Enola and Me" was a poem of reflection, not denigration of brave war heroes. When I was in high school, my dear friend Reginald Flack served in the Vietnam War and came home in a box. He gave the ultimate sacrifice for his country and never received a ticker-tape parade for his effort. When I finally read his name on the Vietnam War Memorial, I cried for him and all the other "heroes" who were hated by their fellow countrymen for serving in that war. Even so, after college, I tried to enlist in the Air Force as an officer and a pilot. I was denied that right simply because I was a women. I consider myself neither a coward nor a pacifist but prefer peaceful means to avoid or end a war. A society must allow itself time to reflect; consider actions that should never be taken again and proceed into the future with a new and elevated mentality of survival. Exactly how that survival is to be accomplished without creating more problems for future generations is a very difficult task indeed. Our world leaders need our support and prayers in this great effort. We are now part of a Global Community no better or worse than others in that community. All families and all children are important. May God help us by providing the resolve needed to join together, around the world, and cooperatively take appropriate action for everyone's safety and security. I now offer this poem written with a friend after the events of 911... Adrienne V. Ludwig America, America, How Great You Are My Girls, my Boys, how can this be? They've struck terror in the hearts of thee. The billowing flames, the shattered glass, So many died, they live now in our past. The new dawn breaks with grief, so deep. The Mothers, Fathers, Children weep. The Nation is stunned, it's fabric torn, These evil men, a thing of scorn. This day in time will always be, A remembrance of those who died for Thee. Brave heroes came to save them all, But the Towers, took them with the fall. We pray they did not die in vain, But as scattered seed, of freedom's reign. Our nation is strong, It's purpose clear To vanquish terror and fear. Their face, their love, their strength, their smile Will be with us for the longest while. Our hearts unfurled in unity, Stand with each other for the world to see. We are strong and proud, Red, White and Blue. We honor those who died, for the love of you. This will not pass ‘till terror ends, A notice of debt to be paid... America, America, how great You are. How great you are. America, America, how great You are. How great You are. God Messed You beyond compare, You are His own, His faithful child. ©Copyright 2001 by Adrienne V. Ludwig and Phillip Lid. All rights reserved.