
| 15 Feb 2012 | 08:44

    In a story about how the town council was choosing to allocate funds, the portion regarding the fire department should have read: Fire Department After a few questions were asked of Jim Connell, Deputy Chief SFD, the Town Council agreed that the money requested for equipment, hose replacement, exhaust vent and radio replacement/repair should be approved totaling $66,500. The Deputy Chief made reference to the recent FCC mandate that their radio equipment must be narrowband compliant by January 2013. Councilwoman Molly Whilesmith asked the SFD representatives if they had looked into a used vehicle to replace the older ladder truck. Bob Rider, Apparatus Replacement Chairperson for the SFD, noted that they had looked at used vehicles as an option but said they are usually not in good condition and lack the safety mechanisms needed to protect the citizens or members of the fire department. The cost of replacing the ladder truck could range from $975,000 to $1.4 million based on specific equipment. Engine 3 and Ladder 9 are in poor to fair condition and are passed their recommended service life. The fire department brought up the idea of consolidating two trucks into one (ladder/pumper) but would have to get back to the council concerning this idea. Councilman Scott Seelagy finished the discussion with a request to see more detailed documentation at the next meeting on all of the fire trucks so they can consider their next move.