DEP Announces $1.6 Million in Federal Funds for Recreational Trail Projects
Sparta Township, Sussex County will receive $24,948 to restore the Sparta Glen Brook Trail that was damaged from severe flooding several years ago. New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) Commissioner Bradley M. Campbell today announced that the DEP is providing more than $1.6 million in federal funds to improve, maintain and develop trails statewide. “The Recreational Trails program provides the public with access to the state’s premiere trail network for fun and adventure,” said Campbell. “The grants will enhance open space and environmental resources and create urban and suburban corridors for more hiking, biking and horseback riding opportunities. Autumn is a beautiful time of year to get out and experience nature at its best.” DEP awarded almost $743,000 for the development, construction and restoration of 43 trail sites. The trail projects were recommended for funding by the New Jersey Trails Council and approved by the Federal Highway Administration under the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act. The Trails Council is comprised of representatives from hiking, mountain biking, motorized trail use, canoeing/kayaking and horseback riding interest groups, as well as several general trail advocates and representatives from state government.