Five charged with Internet child porn

| 28 Sep 2011 | 02:53

    SUSSEX COUNTY - Sussex County Prosecutor David J. Weaver and the United States Department of Homeland Security, Immigration and Customs Enforcement Special Agent in Charge Kyle Hutchins on Tuesday announced the arrests of several suspects accused of obtaining child pornography online. A joint investigation between the Sussex County Prosecutor's Office High Tech Crimes Unit, ICE Agents, the New Jersey State Police, Hopatcong, Newton and Vernon Township Police Departments began Sept. 6 and was concluded on Sept. 13, according to the Sussex County Prosecutor's office. Those arrested were identified as James Barnett, 33, of Wantage, Carl Ferriere, 49, of Sandyston, Edward Ogar, 50, of Stillwater, George Spencer, 56, of Vernon and James Pappas, 52, of Hopatcong. Hutchins said the suspects were identified through "Operation Falcon," an international investigation conducted by the United States Department of Homeland Security, Immigration and Customs Enforcement in Newark. The operation, prosecutors said, was related to the purchase of child pornography on the Internet. Based on computer forensic examinations conducted at each suspect's home, prosecutors charge, images of pre-pubescent children engaged in various sex acts were found on the suspects' computers. All were charged with the possession of child pornography, a crime of the fourth degree, except for Barnett, who was charged under federal law for the possession of child pornography. Weaver emphasized that, as in all criminal cases, defendants are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.