Giant stocking giveaway benefits charity of winner's choice

| 15 Feb 2012 | 10:32

Hamburg — Roberta's Jewelers has marked the beginning of the Christmas season by hanging an 8-foot tall toy-filled Christmas stocking in its store. Anyone can drop by the store to register for a chance to win the stocking. The winner will actually receive two stockings: one they can take home to their family. The second will be donated by Roberta's Jewelers in the winner's name to a local charity of their choice. The drawing will be held Dec. 22. The winner and their selected charity will be announced on Dec. 29. Roberta and Harry Bootsma, owners of Roberta's Jewelers, say they created this event as a way to promote the giving side of Christmas. "This is a win-win situation. Not only does the drawing winner get to take home something awesome for Christmas, but an 8-foot toy filled stocking will be delivered to some less fortunate folks," said the Bootsmas. The store is located at 175 Route 23 South, Suite D.