| 30 Sep 2011 | 09:48

“Count backwards from 10. You are feeling sleepy.” Familiar words when one thinks of how hypnosis is portrayed in the movies and on television. But the reality is it works in today’s world, and Dr. Brian Trautz, certified hypnotherapist (ch) at White Oak Center for Natural Health in Sparta, has helped many people get to a better place. Trautz discovered hypnotherapy through his own personal journey. Formerly a practicing chiropractor since 1985, he always believed in natural heath care which led him to yoga and studying meditation. A book titled “The Relaxation Response” inspired him to delve further. “I attended a workshop in Maine about ten years ago on cranial sacral therapy. It’s working with the bones of the skull and sacrum to achieve relaxation and healing. I left there thinking about hypnosis and was driving home and couldn’t wait to check out what it was like to be a hypnotist,” said Trautz. When he told his mother he wanted to pursue the profession of hypnosis, she told him that’s what his deceased father always wanted to be. “I never knew this about my father’s interest in hypnosis. He used to practice on my mother — he just never told us he was into that,” he said. Feeling that this was meant to be, Trautz became a certified hypnotist at the National Guild of Hypnotists in New York City, the oldest and largest hypnosis organization in the world. He went on further with his pursuit to become a certified instructor of hypnosis. “Hypnosis is a naturally induced altered state of consciousness. It’s similar to meditation with the person sitting quietly and relaxing. Its purpose is to cause an interruption in behavior patterns that they don’t want. You must be open and receptive to positive suggestions that would benefit you,” explained Trautz. He said the individual is in total control of what he chooses to use from each session and only accepts the choices that are positive. It has proven to be extremely effective with quitting smoking, weight loss, stress management and accomplishing goals. Phobias like fear of flying that negatively affect people’s lifestyle can disappear after hypnotherapy. Trautz has worked with many children, teens and young adults to fulfill positive change in their lives: “Teens get into a very hypnotic state — they respond exceptionally well. It helps to improve their athletic ability in sports, gives confidence and self-esteem along with memory and recall for test taking.” An average of three sessions usually does the trick. “It works if you truly want the change you want. If you have a good, healthy mind, hypnosis is great,” he said. Trautz starts with a consultation to establish a rapport and trust while determining why the person wants hypnosis. The room that the sessions takes place is a soothing environment of dim lights, salt lamps, crystals and relaxing music. The person reclines during the guided meditation. And then Trautz counts down from 10 to 1 at the point of hypnotic induction otherwise known as a trance. “At the end of the count, there is guided imagery where you use your creative imagination to be the person you are seeking to become — positive suggestions based on what’s best for you,” said Trautz. “In a hypnotic state, your subconscious mind is receptive and open to positive suggestion. People get more in control of what they are doing.” Hypnosis was approved by the American Medical Association in 1952 as a “viable option to help people.” He is the first one to admit results vary and the more emotional baggage one has the harder the process of successful hypnosis may be. Despite the occasional difficult subjects, Trautz is thrilled when he gets a voicemail from a patient saying they lost 15 pounds or a man who smokes a pack of cigarettes a day for 30 years quits in one session. Likewise, he has helped many cancer patients with pain management. “It is very fulfilling work-you change people’s lives.” The White Oak Center for Natural Health is at 33-Woodport Road, Sparta, tel. 973-729-1900.

Tahini Genie Dressing
2 cups blonde Tahini (well stirred)
1/2bunch of fresh dill (if dried works add 2 TBL)
1 cup of water
2 teaspoon sea salt
1/4 cup fresh lemon juice
2-4 cloves of garlic
1/4 cup olive oil
Blend until well homogenized.
This is taken from “The Sun Kitchen Un-Cook Book” By Bruce Horowitz, executive chef at the Raw Spirit Festival 2007, recipe from the Raw Spirit Festival 2007.