Jerry Murphy
Sparta resident for 55 years. Occupation: took a buyout as a former ollege administrator, hopefully start job in state government in near future. Community Service: United States Marine Corps: Captain; MOS Pilot, secondary MOS Air Liaison Officer/Forward Air Controller, Legal Assistance Referral Officer.Sparta High School Football Booster Club: President 2001; Achievements include construction of the Snack Shack at the High School Football Field. Sparta Little League Baseball Manager, Board of Directors (7 years). Achievements include two Major League championships. USA Hockey Coach (Advanced Certification) (9 years): Morris County Colonials, Ramapo Saints: achievements include Bantam “B” State championship. Jefferson. Township Youth Hockey. Assistant Coach at County College of Morris. Sparta Skating Club Co-founder and PresidentSparta Kiwanis Club member. Veterans of Foreign Wars & DAV life-member. The primary issues in the campaign for Council from this candidate’s perspective are taxes and accountability. High property taxes are in the forefront of political debates on all levels and Sparta is no exception. The cavalier attitude of the Board of Education toward school(s) expansion is irresponsible when it comes to placing this burden on the property owners of this Township who are already beset with rising fuel costs, burgeoning national and state debt and the municipal capital improvements currently underway. Accountability to the property owners and ultimately every citizen is an essential precept to maintaining an open, forthright and responsible government. There are and have been unilateral decisions made by political subdivisions of local government that have become an anathema to the citizenry. Those who are accountable by virtue of their public position, either appointed or elected, have exhibited a knee-jerk reaction to problems that have arisen rather than a forecast and planned one. A solution to either of these problems starts with communication. Public servants are exactly that servants. It is imperative that the greater good of the entire community must be served with an eye on the future not just the present. There has been too much “emphasis by omission” and the hiring of consultants to tell the community what it needs rather than simply asking what is the most responsible and enduring solution. I will tell it like it is and the public will be given all the facts all the time. One step in that direction is the fact that the Board of Education owns more land than any other Township in the County 261 acres. I will assist the Board in every manner possible to develop what it already owns. The reason local government exists is to provide those goods and services that individuals cannot efficiently provide themselves. I will explore efficiency and pursue consolidation of those services and use the savings to further support youth sports organizations. Accountability means being responsible for all citizens and with the changing demographics toward an older population, affordable housing needs to be defined and further planned for. Accountability also means supporting expanding services when it is warranted, therefore I will pledge to make a greater effort to secure federal or grant funding to pay for expansion rather than putting the tax burden on local business. As your public servant I will be honest, sincere and forthright with the information in my dealings with you the public for “public service is public trust.”