Local 9-11 events
9/11 service and picnic Sunday, Sept. 11, 9:30 a.m. Stanhope United Methodist Church 2 Route 183, Netcong An outdoor service and picnic beginning Open to all. 973-347-0247 Remembrance ceremony Sunday, Sept. 11, 4 p.m. Sussex County Community College, at the College’s 9/11 Memorial on the Connor Green, Newton Guest speaker Elvis Duran, radio host, who was a witness to the events of 9/11; ceremonies with Scouts, vocalists, bagpipers, County Freeholders, local fire and police. For information: contact Mike Richards, 973-390-9692 or Glen Vetrano, 973-715-5921 or visit sussex.edu. Looking Back and Looking Forward Sunday, Sept. 11, 2 p.m. St. Francis de Sales Church, Route 517, Vernon Service with opportunities to remember those who were lost in the 9-11 attacks and after. Music and hymns, prayers, and a short address. Police, fire, EMTs and armed service veterans are invited to come in uniform and to sit in the section reserved for them. Anyone may submit a name in remembrance to be included in the program, by contacting St. Francis de Sales at 973-827-3248 or e-mail at office@stfrancisvernon.org.. Community meal after the service. Bring a dish. For more information, contact the Rev. Robert Solon at 973-764-7317 or at clergy-st-thomas-vernon@earthlink.net Meet members of the military Saturday, Sept. 10, 1 to 3 p.m. Lake Wawayanda, Vernon Military personnel will be on hand to meet the public at an event sponsored by Big Bass Association. For information call Ray Verheeck at 201-290-0399 after 4:30 p.m. Program at Milton United Methodist Church 4 to 5 p.m. 316 Dover- Milton Dr., Oak Ridge, NJ Program to honor and remember the thousands who lost their lives on Sept. 11,and others personally affected. Reading of names of the names of those who lost their lives during the attack; a bell will be rung for each. To submit a name contact lynskok@optonline.net Light meal, fellowship and reflection follows program. Open to all. Tickets not required but reservation requested to account for seating. Call 201-247-8867 ask for Doug. Free will donation to help defray costs. Celebrating America Noon, Sept. 11 front lawn of the Sparta Municipal Building 65 Main Street, Sparta NJ Why Do You Love America? Open conversation. State Sen. Steve Oroho will give a keynote speech and then visitors are invited to stand up and speak for one minute on: Why I Love America. September 11 in Poetry Hainesville General Store 283 Route 206 South, Hainesville NJ Sunday, Sept. 11, from 1:30 to 2:15 p.m. Hosted by The Six Centuries Club and Sensations Magazine. Publisher David Messineo, an eyewitness to the Twin Tower attacks, and other poets will share their memories and poems inspired by the attacks and their aftermath. A 15-minute open mic of poetry on that theme will follow. Free. For information, visit www.sensationsmag.com. 9/11 service Sunday, Sept. 11, 6:30 p.m. Centenary College, in the George H. Whitney Chapel Hackettstown., NJ Commemorative service, candle lighting, prayer and a time to reflect. Service will be led by the Assistant Chaplain at Centenary College, the Reverend Don Gebhard. For further information about the service, please call 908- 852-1400, ext. 2234. Ceremony Village of Warwick, N.Y. Veterans Memorial Park, just off Forester Avenue Visitors should arrive by 8:30 a.m. The ceremony will begin at 8:46 a.m., the time when the first aircraft struck the tower. Conducted by American Legion Post 214 Commander Bruce Sutton. Triathlon, candlelight memorial Greenwood Lake, NY Warwick Town Beach/Thomas P. Waterfront Memorial Park The American Memorial Triathlon begins at 8:30 a.m. The Greenwood Lake Triathlon, was renamed The American Memorial Triathlon in September 2001 to honor the victims, volunteers and survivors of the terrorist attacks. The triathlon shirts read: “We Will Never Forget.” At 7 p.m. the community will gather back at the Waterfront Park for a candlelight memorial with music and remembrance. Remembrance Ceremony Sept. 11, 9:30 a.m. Mountain Laurel Post 8612 VFW, Matamoras, Pa.