Local business holding benefit for Wounded Warriors
SPARTA Anna Beth’s Aesthetics LLC of 94 Main Street in Sparta is raising funds in honor of Veterans Day, sending 100 percent of the proceeds directly to Wounded Warrior Project. The event, aptly titled the Helping Heroes Event, will be awarding some of the donors with gift baskets that will be raffled off on Veterans Day. Wounded Warrior Project was established after September 11th to help military service members wounded in combat deal with their devastating physical and emotional injuries, and to provide support to their caregivers. Wounded Warrior Project is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization, is an accredited charity by the Better Business Bureau, and has been granted tax-exempt status by the Internal Revenue Service functioning as a charity under 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Donations to the organization are deductible as charitable contributions. Anna Beth’s Aesthetics welcomes the public to browse the many gift baskets available for raffle with a donation to WWP - some of the prizes are worth over $1,000. Everyone who makes a donation is also invited to the Helping Heroes Event at 5 p.m. on Veterans Day, Friday 11/11/11 when Anna Beth's will conduct the drawings and announce the prize winners. For more information call 973-729-4417.