Book sales help Project Help and needy veterans
SPARTA — According to owner Donna Fell, Sparta Book Store is thrilled to donate the proceeds of book sales from Veterans Day, on November 11. 2017 to Project Help.
On hand at the book store on Saturday was Sandy Mitchell, the Executive Director of Project Help, and Fell, along with a continuing stream of customers who came by to shop for the cause and take advantage of the 10% discount.
“Many of the customers stopped by at our table to chat about how Project Help plays in intragyral part in the recovery from a variety of challenges faced by our veterans, many of whom are suffering with PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder), TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) and other maladies, including physical, emotional and mental issues," Mitchell said. "Re-integrations is difficult at best, but when coupled with the war in their heads, it makes it so much worse.”
Project Help is instrumental in providing guidance for veterans struggling with many issues. “We collaborate with other organizations to provide assistance in many ways to alleviate the suffering our vets are dealing with. Financial, housing, employment, legal and many other problems are addressed,” Mitchell said.
“Our campaign to raise $25K for our Veterans Hardship Fund, launched at our Visions in Black and White art auction on November 2, 2017. It was a big success and we will repeat Visions in 2018. Throughout the year, we do many fundraising events to support our mission,” said Mitchell, adding that maintaining working capital of $25K is an ongoing process and demands a good bit of time and resources.
The Veterans Hardship Fund is to be used exclusively to help veterans and their families with financial hardships and is a grant based program.
“For a period of time, Project Help was part of another fund and was able to request grants for vets through it," she said. "The turnaround time got to be an issue and thus we are establishing our own fund with our own rules.”
Project Help, Inc., a 501(c)3 Charity, is incorporated in Sussex County. Their mission is to help Veterans and their families during difficult times. They cover the seven northern counties in assisting Veterans in getting their lives back together. The organization was founded by Sandy Mitchell, who serves as the Executive Director of Project Help. She knows only too well the aftermath of war. She was married to a Vietnam Vet and has a special place in her heart for all veterans of every war. “Many are lost in war and many as the result of being in war,” said M itchell, who lost her husband after he returned home from Vietnam.
Combat is an atrocity on the body, mind and soul of those who experience it. We all need to step up to honor our heroes and do all we can to help them back into civilian life. It’s not an easy transition. Many are lost to suicide, mental and physical illnesses. Project Help is here to help and many are saved from homelessness, and other devastating issues that can befall them.
“We need your help in making that very important difference in the lives of our heroes. We owe them that,” Mitchell said.
If you are interested in more information about Project Help, you can find it at www.ProjectHelp.US or like is on Facebook or email
Project Help is growing quickly and expansion creates a massive need for reliable volunteers, committee and board members. If you would like to help, just contact us at 973-875-2068.