Downpours don't stop Thorlabs volunteers

| 22 May 2018 | 04:41

By Laurie Gordon
— Pass It Along Day was on Saturday, May 19, but with a soaking, steady rain, most of the volunteering plans and venues for the day had to be rescheduled. Not so for Thorlabs. Workers from the internationally acclaimed company, with it's world headquarters in Newton, headed to Swartswood State Park to mulch and plant in the pouring rain.
Kaylin Roth, of Newton, was one of those employees.
“Yes, it's certainly raining," she said as she helped her co-workers and volunteers from Pass It Along near the entrance to the park. "I am excited about getting warm after we are done here, but it's an important cause, so I'm glad to be out here.”
Pass It Along Day is in its 17th year and has grown to become one of the largest one-day service events in northern New Jersey. On this day, volunteers of all ages participate in community service projects to help nonprofit agencies throughout Sussex, Morris and Warren counties. Projects include painting, landscaping, minor structural repairs, planting gardens and much more.
But weather got in the way for many of the projects. Two more Pass It Along Days have been scheduled for June 2 and June 9.
Said Kathy Rathbone, director of Programs for Pass It Along, “The weather just was not going to cooperate so many of our volunteers opted for another day. So far we have Bristol Glenn and Knoll View Heights rescheduled for June 2nd and Sunset Vista Gardens on the 9th. We're still waiting on a rescheduling for Birth Haven, Family Promise and Katie's House at this point.”
Pass It Along's Marketing Manager Brittany Rockenfeller was helping on Saturday in the rain.
“It's a bit muddy and rainy, but this project is getting done and we are thankful to the volunteers who came out today despite the weather,” she said.