Kateri Knights install new officers

The Saint Kateri Knights of Columbus Council #13677 recently installed its 2017-2018 officers at a ceremony held at the Sparta parish. Seated from left: Charlie Farrie (Financial Secretary), Greg Risco (Deputy Grand Knight), Jim Brocato (Grand Knight), Standing from left: Bob Tiscornia (District Warden), Brian Tully (Chancellor), Jim Dowd (Advocate), Greg Keller (District Deputy), Joe Deluca (Trustee), Randy Booth (Lector). St. Kateri Council is part of the Paterson Federation and the N.J. State Knights organization with over 64,000 members. For more information on the St. Kateri Knights of Columbus please contact Grand Knight Jim Brocato at saintkaterikofc@gmail.com or visit <URL destination="http://www.saintkaterikofc.org ">www.saintkaterikofc.org