NAMI hosts New Year's Day party

| 19 Dec 2017 | 04:23

    — The Sussex County affiliate of the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), is holding its annual New Year’s Day party on January 1 from 5 – 7:30 p.m. at Bridgeway, 93 Stickles Pond Road, Newton, NJ. The public is invited to join NAMI Sussex members and friends for a light supper, beverages and desserts in a supportive, caring environment.
    Attendees have the option of taking part in a “white elephant” gift exchange. To participate in this exchange, a wrapped gift, valued at $15 or less, should be brought to the party to add to the fun.
    Annie Glynn, president of NAMI Sussex, said, "We decided to open our New Year's Day party to the public this year to help lift the spirits of anyone who may be experiencing 'holiday blues.'
    We also hope to make people more aware of all the free support and education programs NAMI Sussex provides in our community."
    While the holiday season is a festive occasion for many, some may experience anxiety and depression brought about by the added stress and expectations of the holidays. This can be especially difficult for someone living with a mental illness.
    NAMI Sussex is an all-volunteer 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that provides support, education and advocacy throughout Sussex County, NJ on behalf of individuals and families affected by mental illness. For further information, call 973-214-0632 or visit <URL destination=" ">