Souper Bowl, this Sunday in Newton

| 30 Jan 2018 | 03:01

    NEWTON — The youth group at the First Presbyterian Church of Newton is holding a Community Soup Lunch, Sunday, February 4 from noon to 2 pm to raise funds to alleviate hunger in our community. The lunch includes a bowl of homemade soup, a slice of bread, a beverage and a small dessert. There is no charge for the meal but donations will gladly be accepted, with all money going to support Manna House, the local hot lunch program. The lunch is being held in conjunction with the Souper Bowl of Caring which began in 1990 with this simple prayer: “Lord, even as we enjoy the Super Bowl football game, help us to be mindful of those who are without a bowl of soup to eat.” This youth-led movement has since raised more than $100 million dollars for soup kitchens, food pantries and other charities in communities across the country. Your donations will help us alleviate hunger in our community by supporting Manna House. The lunch will be held in the Fellowship Hall at the church located at 54 High Street in Newton. Please call the church office at 973-383-4420 with questions or check out our website at