Sparta scouts take canoe journey

SPARTA — At the end of July four Scouts and one leader from Sparta’s Boy Scout Troop 150, along with a Voyageur from Sabattis Adventure Camp, completed a 53 mile canoe trek in the northern Adirondacks. Starting at Long Lake, Scouts Johnathan Bollard, Robert Hartranft, Thomas Schwarzrock, and Jay Suter and Assistant Scoutmaster Gene Schwarzrock, led by Voyageur Jacob Keenan, paddled through numerous lakes, ponds and bogs and through rain, sun and one rainbow, before completing their trek at Paul Smiths. Besides paddling and portaging their canoes and gear between lakes, they also planned and navigated each day’s route, set up and broke down camp daily, filtered water for drinking and cooking, cooked some scrumptious meals, and practiced Leave-No-Trace principles along the way. And due to their excellent paddling skills, there was still plenty of time each day for fishing, enjoying the sights, looking for moose, playing cards, and reminiscing about civilization and $5 fill-ups at KFC. On the last day of the trek, they completed a 6 mi. hike up St. Regis Mtn. where they were rewarded with spectacular views of some of the lakes they had canoed on the days before, as well as some of New York’s High Peaks in the distance. They also got to climb to the top of the fire tower there. Troop 150 meets at Sparta United Methodist Church Monday nights at 7 pm. An open house will be held Sept. 25, or stop by their booth at Sparta Day on Sept. 23 for information on joining.