Veterans ceremony at county college

| 07 Nov 2017 | 04:07

    — Sussex County Community College (SCCC) will hold a Veterans Ceremony on Tuesday, November 14 at 1 pm on the Connor Green, in honor of Veterans Day. The event, which was organized by the SCCC Veterans Services Office on the campus, will honor veterans and remember POW MIA service members.
    The ceremony will open up with the singing of the National Anthem followed by remarks from President Dr. Jon Connolly. Tony Gallopo, P.D.V.C American Legion Post 86, will be in attendance to give the Veterans Day message. President Student Veterans Organization, Joshua Conklin, will read the POW/MIA Remembrance Ceremony for those U.S. service members who were never accounted for during the war. The Post 86 American Legion in Newton, NJ will conduct the flag ceremony and the ceremony will conclude with closing remarks from an SCCC veteran.
    For more information about the veterans services offered at SCCC please contact the Veteran Services Coordinator at 973.300.2109.