Local teens to explore career in medicine
SPARTA Corbin Falvo and Margaret Carbery, both of Sparta, recently enrolled in the National Youth Leadership Forum on Medicine taking place in Philadelphia, Pa., from July 17 to July 26. He will join 350 other high school students from around the country who demonstrate academic excellence, leadership potential and an interest in a career in medicine. Throughout the ten-day forum, Falvo will be introduced to a variety of concepts in public health, medical ethics, research and general practice, including site visits to medical facilities and clinics. Students will engage in a simulation using problem-based learning, an educational method in which students will be presented a fictional patient's case history and must diagnose and develop a treatment plan for the patient. The National Youth Leadership Forum on Medicine creates a virtual classroom with hospitals, clinical facilities and healthcare professionals. By shadowing key personnel, these students will have a great opportunity to gain a behind-the-scenes perspective on a medical career. Timing is critical as young people explore their career paths, just prior to immersing themselves in college work. In addition to visits to cutting-edge medical schools and clinical facilities, Falvo will have the opportunity to hear from and interact with leaders within the medical field. Students have up-close and personal contact with physicians, surgeons, researchers, scientists and medical educators, as they go behind the scenes to view these professionals at work.