Other results

| 28 Sep 2011 | 03:02

    It was another Republican sweep in Sussex County for candidates running at every level of government. Sussex County also went heavily for Republican gubernatorial candidate Doug Forrester, giving him 25,236 votes - 59 percent of all cast - to 14,833 for Democrat Jon S. Corzine. The local votes were to no avail, as Forrester lost statewide by 10 percentage points to Corzine, who will leave the U.S. Senate to take over the reins of power in the New Jersey Statehouse. In two state assembly races affecting Sussex County, Republicans Alison Littell McHose (25,997 votes) and Guy Gregg (24,802) easily won reelection over Democratic challengers Thomas Boyle (12,840) and Brian Murphy (12,737). Republican Sussex County Freeholder Gary R. Chiusano also won reelection, beating Independent candidate James A. Hofmann, 25,926 votes to 12,663. Sussex County voters also approved an increase in the open space tax from two cents per $100 assessed valuation to 3.5 cents.