Pandamania Bible Camp coming in August

| 30 Sep 2011 | 09:50

    SPARTA — Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church will hold its annual Vacation Bible School summer camp from Aug. 1 through Aug. 5, from 8:50 12 noon. This year’s curriculum, for children ages three through fourth grade, is Pandamania. At the Pandamania vacation bible school, kids will hear bible stories, make crafts, learn tunes, play games, do skits and make new friends. Teachers will use the program as an opportunity to bring children closer to God. The children will present a program of songs and praises, and show off their art projects, to parents and friends on Thursday, Aug. 4 at 7 p.m. “The games, crafts and multimedia presentations help kids understand the gospels in a way classrooms and textbooks never could,” says Lynn Webb, pastoral assistant and organizer of the program. “Vacation Bible School is a fun way for children to be exposed to all the Bible has to offer.” For information and registration, contact the church at 973-729-7010. The cost for materials is $25 per child for the five-day program. Parent volunteers are welcome. Shepherd of the Hills is located at 246 Woodport Road in Sparta. For more information, visit,