Salon helps hospice

STANHOPE n Hospice by definition is a place, a hospital, a rest home. But those who have benefited from the services performed by what has become known as hospice know that it’s much more than a place; it’s a comforting hand, a reassuring word, and aid and support in a time of great need. Susan Chipoleth, manager of the Definition Salon in Byram, and Janice Harrison of Silpada Designs collaborated on a fundraiser Saturday, Oct. 1, to “give back” to the Karen Anne Quinlan Hospice in Newton for help they received at different times in their lives. The death of Harrison’s mother-in-law was made easier because of the workers from hospice. “They made it possible for her to be with us at home with her family in her last days. I could not have done it without the assistance of hospice,” said Harrison. “They gave us equipment and nursing, and it was all free,” she added. As an independent businesswoman, Harrison said that she welcomed the opportunity to give back to hospice and to support the organization by donating the proceeds of her joint venture with Definition. Chipoleth is also the beneficiary of hospice assistance. “I believe in hospice,” said Chipoleth. “They lifted an incredible burden from my shoulders.” Jennifer Smith, manager of special events for the Karen Anne Quinlan Hospice, mentioned some of the programs currently in place. The bereavement service, which is open to the entire community, provides support and education to those in need. She recently took part in a teen bereavement weekend that tended to the particular needs of young people after a loss. She said people of various age groups grieve differently, and that must be considered when counseling. Definition Salon, which was the center of the fundraising activities, ran raffles throughout the day for services and products, and the proceeds from the sale of Silpada Designs will go to the hospice. The handcrafted items, that include jewelry, watches, and belts, feature unique design and quality craftsmanship and can be ordered through a catalog. For information regarding the Karen Anne Quinlan Hospice, call 800-882-1117, or visit . To contact Definitions Salon, call 973-347-1980. To contact Janice Harrison of Silpada Designs, call 908-770-0635.