Six students win Springfest Poster Contest honors

FRANKFORD Over 250 posters entered representing elementary school artists ranging in age from kindergarten through sixth-grade were part of the second annual Springfest Poster Contest. This year's theme, “From Garden to Home,” incorporated a wide variety of artistic interpretation and representation throughout all grade levels. The contest was open to all Sussex County students in public, private, and home schools. First and second place winners, as well as three finalists, were selected from each of the three age categories. The first and second place winners in each category were: K-2: First place: Alexa Dodd, Merriam Ave. School, Newton, Second place: Evan Schoch, Franklin Borough School 3th/-4th: First place: Harshil Bhausar, Franklin Borough School Second place: Patrick Burgos, Franklin Borough School 5th/6th: First place: Lisa Nicole Connelly, Sandyston-Walpack School Second place: Lea Incorvaia, Marian Emmons McKeown School, Hampton Nationally recognized local artist, Carol Decker returned as the judge for all entries. Also for the second year, First Hope Bank of Andover sponsored and donated $100 and $50 savings bonds to the winning entrants.