Sparta Lake Mohawk property owners adopt new by-laws
SPARTA -At their General Meeting on May 15, the Sparta Lake property owners voted by an overwhelming majority to adopt new updated by-laws. This will require all property owners to be responsible to pay mandatory assessments fees. The budget for 2004 was also approved by the voters. After a review of the originating deeds by attorney, Lawrence Tosi of Little Falls, it was discovered that all property owners have easement rights to the lake. All property owners are also jointly responsible for maintainance of the lake. This decision is based on the Lake Lookover P.O.A. v. Olsen case of 2002 which stated that with the right of easement comes the responsibility of maintainance. This ruling will help the association meet state mandated improvements that must be made to Sparta Lake's spillway. This would allow the community to take advantage of low interest loans available for dam and lake restoration projects.