Sparta Library to close for flood remediation

SPARTA As a result of heavy rain events this past March, the basement of the Sparta Township Public Library experienced significant flooding, which damaged the walls and carpeting. The township’s insurance carrier, the Morris County Municipal Joint Insurance Fund, will pay for the cost of repairs. As a result of the flooding, it is necessary to replace carpeting in certain areas of the basement of the library. A portion of basement floor beneath the carpet contains covered asbestos tiles, which were used during the library’s original construction. As the township’s insurance policy also covers asbestos remediation, the township will proceed with an asbestos abatement project during the time it replaces the carpeting. While there is no concern for the health and safety of the public, as the asbestos tiles were covered by carpeting, and thus never exposed, the abatement must be handled by a professional company that specializes in remediation. This will require the library to close for approximately 7 to 10 days. The township will work with the library to determine a date for the construction to begin during an off-peak time of use. Asbestos abatement is a common procedure when repairing or expanding older buildings. While the Sparta Library Building is closed, the Sparta Library and the Sparta Parks & Recreation services will be relocated to the Sparta Municipal Building, 65 Main St., upstairs level.