UNICO welcomes Chiusano and D'Angeli to its ranks

| 28 Sep 2011 | 02:13

    Sparta-The Sparta Chapter of UNICO National, the largest Italian-American service organization in the United States, has welcomed two new members. Freeholder Gary Chiusano (left) and John D'Angeli. The new members were sworn in at a recent regular meeting of the Sparta Chapter, which meets at the Sparta Ambulance Building the third Wednesday of each month. "With these new members the Sparta Chapter raises its total membership to 84, making it one of the larger chapters in the area" noted Chapter President Ray Shupak. "We're very proud not only of the fact that we have a large membership, but that we have such a high percentage of those members who actively participate in achieving the goals of UNICO and the Sparta Chapter. We look forward to having Gary and John actively participate to help our chapter grow even stronger." For more information about Sparta UNICO contact Ray Shupack at 729-0038.