United Way announces new board member

| 15 Feb 2012 | 08:57

NEWTON — United Way of Northern New Jersey is pleased to welcome Jim Furgeson, marketing manager for Atlantic Health System, to its Board of Trustees. Furgeson joins a team of 15 community members who are helping to shape the agenda of the new regional organization. Furgeson, 43, of Sparta, is a longtime supporter of United Way. He joined the Board of Directors of the former United Way of Sussex County five years ago, serving as board president in 2010 until he was forced to take a leave of absence to battle throat cancer. Following his recovery, Furgeson returned to United Way, taking a seat on the recently formed United Way of Northern New Jersey Board of Trustees. In addition, he is maintaining his role as a member of the Sussex County Local Operating Board. “One thing my illness did was exclude me from things going on in the community,” Furgeson said. “The first thing I wanted to do was plug myself back in. I felt I had a debt to repay and wanted to help pay things forward by working with the people that were there for me when I needed them.” When Jim was sufficiently recovered from his treatment regime, returning to his volunteer work was a priority, said Mary Emilius, chief professional officer at United Way of Northern New Jersey’s Sussex County office. “We’re extremely lucky to have such a dedicated volunteer in Jim,” Emilius said. “As soon as Jim was able to work again he was knocking on our door to come back and we jumped at the chance to expand the scope of our collaboration with him.” United Way of Northern New Jersey formed in January, bringing together United Ways of Morris, North Essex, Somerset, Sussex, and Warren counties. Working with the community, United Way focuses on the building blocks for a good life for all - a quality education that leads to a stable job; the tools needed to achieve financial stability; and good health.