Volunteer leaders sought for health promotion programs
Newton Free training for volunteers interested in co-leading health programs will be given during the month of June by the county’s Division of Senior Services. There are two programs. Take Control of Your Health is led by volunteer peer leaders who co-facilitate a six-session series of goal-oriented workshops given to individuals and caregivers of all ages who are dealing with chronic long-term health conditions Organizers said the self-management program offers tools that enable participants to be in control of their symptoms, emotions and situations, and enjoy life to the fullest. Four-day leadership training will take place on Wednesdays, June 8, 15, 22 and 29, at the Sussex County Public Safety Academy on Morris Turnpike in Newton. A program called A Matter Of Balance: Managing Fears About Falls, is led by volunteer coaches over eight sessions at two hours per week. These workshops offer practical strategies to reduce fear of falling, address safety issues, increase activity levels and improve balance, flexibility and strength through exercise. Two-day leadership training for this program will take place on Mondays, June 13 and 20. Lunch and materials are included for both trainings. Potential leaders must attend all training dates for their program of choice. Pre-registration is required. Contact Regina Hannapple at 973-579-0555 or RHannapple@sussex.nj.us for more information or to register.