What's happening at Newton Hospital Stroke Support
The Stroke Support Group provides support and encouragement to stroke survivors, caregivers, family members and friends by sharing experiences and knowledge. The date for this month's discussion is Tuesday, May 25, at 7:30 p.m. at Newton Memorial Hospital in the Rehab Lounge, 175 High Street, Newton. For more information call Newton Memorial Hospital Social Work Department at 973-579-8620. Managing Stress Newton Memorial Hospital is hosting a two-day Stress Management seminar on Thursdays, May 20 and 27. The seminars will be held at the hospital at 175 High Street, Newton, from 7 to 9 p.m. In part one participants will learn how stress affects the body and wellbeing; Learn to recognize individual physical reaction to stress; Practice different methods of stress reduction including meditation guided imagery and journal writing; learn the relationship between meditation and nutrition, as well as how meditation enhances the physiological affect of exercise. Part two includes a more extended practice of various methods of meditation. Participants should wear comfortable clothing and bring a pillow or blanket if desired. The fee for this seminar is $40 for both sessions. Pre-registration is required. Contact Newton Memorial Hospital Community Benefits/Education at (973) 579-8340 to register or for more information. Cancer Support Newton Memorial Hospital in conjunction with the American Cancer Society Sussex Unit will sponsor Life after Cancer Support Group. The program will be held at 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, May 25 at the Sparta Health and Wellness Center, 89 Sparta Avenue, Sparta. The Cancer Support Group provides cancer patients, their families and other interested individuals with a forum for education and discussion of cancer treatment and care, as well as sources of assistance and support. Attendees are able to share their experiences and gain the support of others in similar circumstances. For more information call Newton Memorial Hospital the Social Work Department at 973-579-8620. Weight Loss Newton Memorial Hospital is hosting a weight loss through hypnosis class. Free reinforcement tape and monthly reinforcement sessions are included. The date for the initial class is Thursday, May 20, from 7 to 9:30 p.m. at the Sparta Health and Wellness Center, 89 Sparta Avenue, Sparta. The fee is $60, or $55 with a written referral from a physician. Preregistration required. For more information contact Newton Memorial Hospital Community Benefits/ Education at (973) 579-8340.