Become an advocate for Alzheimer's Association
In 2007, former Governor Jon S. Corzine signed legislation that permanently designated the first Monday in November as Alzheimer’s Disease Awareness Day in New Jersey, which fell on Nov. 7 this year. That action was a direct result of the efforts of our New Jersey Alzheimer’s disease advocates. We wish to take this opportunity to thank our advocates for all their hard work over the years, speaking up for the needs and rights of New Jersey individuals with Alzheimer's disease, and their families. From relating their personal stories of the disease to legislators, to contacting public officials when action is needed, to alerting legislators of issues affecting diagnosed individuals and their families, our advocates have made their voices heard, but the work is not done. Alzheimer’s disease is an exploding epidemic. As the sixth leading cause of death in the United States, Alzheimer’s is the only cause among the top 10 causes without a way to prevent, cure or even slow its progression. In New Jersey alone, the physical, emotional and financial burden of this disease impacts over 350,000 individuals and their care partners. We cannot let this disease win! I ask each of your readers to consider reaching out to at least one person and asking them become an advocate in the fight against Alzheimer’s disease. Our goal is to reach 1,500 new advocates by Nov. 30, 2011. Please call us at 973.586.4300 or visit for information on becoming an advocate. Gloria Zayanskosky Board Chair Alzheimer’s Association, Greater New Jersey Chapter