Feels field project is illegal

| 15 Feb 2012 | 10:02

    I feel like Alice in Wonderland when I read in last week’s paper “Land for fields tangled in red tape.” When will this crazy nonsense end? The superintendent and the Board of Education members who are pushing this project through (despite the protest of Sparta taxpayers) are doing so illegally. According to newspaper reports, the Board of Education has not submitted plans to the state for approval but they continue to spend money on a project that was voted down in referendum by Sparta residents. Instead of being fiscally responsible in times of economic stress, the superintendant and the Board of Education are wasting money on a project that has not been approved (by the state or by Sparta residents). This is totally irresponsible! Any excess money from the high school renovation project should either be returned to taxpayers, or be used to spend down the debt that has been incurred. Wake up! People are financially struggling, homes are being foreclosed, and jobs are being lost. Stop taking and start giving back to the residents of Sparta who pay taxes. I have no confidence in the superintendent or for those Board of Education members who are squandering my tax money. Susan Ridley Sparta