Armed protests

Sparta /
| 15 Jan 2023 | 03:41

    The right of the people PEACEFULLY to assemble

    Our First Amendment freedom guarantee label.

    Time, place and manner the protest protocols,

    With boycotts and sit-ins when humanity calls.

    But armed protesters with slung rifles provoke fear,

    Wearing their military tactical gear.

    Do not intimate with your guns travesty,

    Seek in your heart to live with all for democracy.

    Illegal protests block access of movement,

    Do not get permits to demonstrate their ferment.

    And incite riot with alt-truths and fake news speech,

    Causing an illegal ”substantial disruption” breach.

    Armed protests have no place in a democracy,

    A “sticks and stones” and “faces and names” analogy.

    Bill Kibildis
