Classified Information

Sparta /
| 20 Jan 2023 | 10:39

    Sensitive government documents are classified,

    To protect our nation’s security worldwide.

    Counterintelligence to safeguard our safety,

    From agents that would destroy our freedom destiny.

    Four primary classifications that are known,

    With others that only those “who have a need” own.

    “For Official Use Only” then “Confidential,”

    Followed by the “Secret” and “Top Secret” credential.

    Thorough background investigations are required,

    So that government secrets don’t get conspired.

    All honored with our nation’s secrets are inspected,

    To ensure “sources” and “methods” are protected.

    Personal intent is paramount but none the less,

    A security breach with vigor we need repress.

    Bill Kibildis
